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Friendship Advice

Hello readers! I hope you are enjoying your day! I give you a challenge to spend today with the people you love, while cherishing your friends and family.

Today I thought I would create a friendship advice blog post. I tried to include some basic advice of how you pick your friends and giving you some possible scenarios of 'best friend cat fights'.

The Checklist for A Good Friend

  • A good friend is someone who likes you for who you are. They are someone who can put up with your craziness and insanity!

  • A good friend is loyal, kind and caring. They respect your individuality and understand that you are special and unique

  • A good friend is a person who benefits from you and vice versa

  • A good friend is someone who is able to respect that you have other friends, and does not make themselves top priority above all friends. Remember that a good friend should not be jealous of friendships their friend has with another person, but must understand that there are other people who can be an important figure in their life

  • A good friend is always there to lean on. Please keep in mind that this does not mean money-wise such as buying you that burger in the cafeteria. Yes, it looks lovely and delicious, but I can buy it myself. In other words, if you are experiencing a terrible day, or in a sticky situation, they will help you

  • A good friend is someone who is honest and truthful to you.

  • A good friend is someone who just clicks with you. It's hard to explain this, but you find that connection between you guys. It's when you laugh at everything the other person says and you can talk for hours.

A 'Not-Very-Good-Friend' Checklist

  • Someone who does not care for you, and is not loyal.

  • Someone who does not respect your individuality

  • Someone who you do not benefit from, but brings you down

  • Someone who just does not follow the criteria of the checklist for a good friend


1. 'My best friend is becoming really close with another person. It seems like they are becoming best friends and I'm on the sidelines.'

Although it may seem hard that another person is becoming close with your best friend, it's hard to get sidetracked and only think about yourself. You need to be positive and be happy for your best friend. If you are really feeling very left out, maybe you should talk to your friend. They will probably make more time to be with you, but let's face it, we meet new people every day and we can all become friends. If you talk to your friend and they react differently to what you expected and retaliate, they probably didn't realise what they were doing to you. Remember that when you are talking to your friend that you don't blame them for not being with you all the time, but say something on the lines of, 'can we sit together today?' etc.

2. 'My best friend isn't being a particularly good friend'.

Your best friend might be not following the checklist for a good friend, as shown above. If they are being rude to you, they're not your friend. If that person is hurting you in anyway with their words or actions, think if you want to confront them or 'ignore' them. It really depends if it's a big situation, or just the small things.

I hope that this blog post helped you. Just remember that a good friend loves you for you!

Love you lots,

Aditi xo

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